DoorDash is a food delivery platform that connects customers with local and national businesses.

About DoorDash

DoorDash provides restaurant food delivery services connecting customers with local businesses across the United States and Canada. The company is passionate about transforming local businesses and dedicated to enabling new ways of working, earning, and living. By building the last-mile delivery infrastructure for local cities, DoorDash is bringing communities closer, one doorstep at a time. It connects customers with their favorite local and national restaurants in more than 600 cities across the United States and Canada.

Andy Fang, Evan Moore, Stanley Tang, and Tony Xu founded Palo Alto Delivery in June 2013, which became DoorDash, Inc. in October 2014, with its headquarters based in San Francisco in California.

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DoorDash hasn’t added any funding yet.


team member
Co-founder & CTO
team member
Co-Founder and Ch...


July 2013
California, US
Logistics, Delivery, Local, Small and Medium Businesses,
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