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Numerous studies support the theory that drinking water is beneficial for weight loss. Plus, hydration is key to many factors that influence weight loss, including digestion and muscle function.

However, the medical community still does not know what influence drinking water has on weight loss.

In this article, we will go through all the reasons why you need to drink more water.

A study from the previous year had produced similar results.

It's easy to pack liquid calories by drinking sugary sodas, juices, or coffee or tea.

The results of a large study showed that men and women who replaced one serving of sugary drinks with water or a low-calorie drink every day for four years gained 0.49 kilograms (kg) less than a similar group.


To conclude, all the discussion done, it is clear that drinking more water is a good habit for humans. It is advised to drink not less than 6 gallons of water every day. The more you drink water, the more are the chances of a healthy body is. Not only drinking the water when we feel thirsty but drinking water after small delays are very helpful and good for health.